
Rabu, 2 Januari 2019


All the theories below are grouped into clusters covering the similar topics . Note that we can find some theories in more than one place . The clusters correspond with the topics used in the Communication studies at the University of Twente .

There are a few clusters and their theories being listed below ;

1) Interpersonal Communication and Relations 

-Interpersonal communication and Relations 
-Attribution theory 
-ACT* theory
-Argumentation theory 
-Contagion theory 
-classical Rhetoric
-Cognitive Dissonance theory
-Elaboration Likelihood Model
-Expectancy Value Model 
-Interpretative and Interction Theories 
-Language Expectancy theories
-Network Theory and Analysis
-Social Identity theory 
-Symbolic Interactionism
-Social Cognitive theory
-Speech Act
-Theory of Planned Behavior /Reasoned Action
-Uncertainty Reduction Theory

2) Organizational communication

-Organizational communication
-Adaptive Structuration Theory
-Attraction-Selection-Attrition Framework
-Competing Values Framework
-Contingency Theories
-Enactment theory
-Framing in organizations
-Media Richness Theory
-Network Theory and Analysis in Organizations
-Structurational Theory
-System theory
-Uncertainty Reduction theory

3) Mass Media 

-Mass media
-Agenda Setting Theory
-Cultivation theory
-Dependency theory
-Hypodermic Needle Theory
-Knowledge Gap
-Media Richness Theory
-Medium theory
-Spiral of Science
-Two step flow theory
-Uses and Gratification theory

4) Communication and information technology 

-Communication and information technology
-Adaptive Structuration
-Computer Mediated Communication
-Contextual Design
-Diffusion of Innovations theory
-Information theories
-Network theory and Analysis
-Reduces Social Cues Approach
-Social Identity Model of Deindivuation effects
-Social Presence Theory
-Uses and Gratification Approach

5) Communication processes

-Communication processes
-Language Expectancy Theory
-Model of text Comprehension
-Network theory and Analysis
-Psycho-Linguistic theory 
System theory

6)Health Communication 

-Elaboration Likelihood model
-Health Belief Model
-Protection Motivation theory
-Social cognitive theory
-social support
- Theory of planned behavior / Reasoned Action 
-Transactional model of stress and coping

7) Language theories and linguistics 

-Argumentation theory
-Classical theory
-Coordinated management of meaning
-Language expectancy theory
-Model of text comprehension
-Psycho-Lingustic theory
-Speech Act 

8) Media , culture and society 

-Cultivation theory
-Dependency theory
-Knowledge Gap
-Medium theory
-Mental Models 
-Modernization theory
-Spiral of silence

9) Public Relations , advertising , marketing and consumer behavior

-Agenda setting theory
-Attribution theory
-Cognitive Dissonance theory
-Elaboration likelihood theory 
-Expectancy value theory
-Semiotics theories
-Theory of planned behavior/ reasoned action
-Uncertainty reduction theory 

6 ulasan:

  1. Cluster : Interpersonal communication and relations
    Theory : Argumentation theory

    * Method of formation of legal argumentation theory is a way to examine how to analyze and formulate an argument clearly and rationally in a way to develop universal criteria and juridical criteria to be used as the basis of legal arguments rationality.

    * This argumentation theory is one discovery of the law by judges in handling and settlement to the case at hand and the case is no regulation specifically set in the legislation.

    * Thus, according to the authors, the legal argument is a scientific skills in the context of solving legal issues (legal problem solving).

    * This theory evolved since Aristotle that began with systematic studies of consistent logic in the premise to conclusion.

    * The thinking underlying the enactment of legal argumentation method is the number of new cases that arise in the community, while at the laws that govern yet specifically, the judge can make legal arguments in order to address these cases.

    * To realize the concept of justice in resolving legal cases that occur in the community, then the judge should use the method of juridical thinking, the characteristics as follows:

    1. Argument (legal reasoning), which is trying to realize consistency in the rules of law and legal rulings. The rationale behind this is the belief that the law must be equal for everyone.

    2. In the legal reasoning occurs dialectical reasoning, which weigh up claims to the contrary, either in the debate on the formation of law or in the process of consideration of the views and facts presented by the parties in the judicial process.

  2. Cluster : Health communication
    Theory : Social Support

    > Social Support is associated with how networking helps people cope with stressful events.

    > Besides it can enhance psychological well-being.

    > Social support distinguishes between four types of support (House, 1981).

    > Emotional support is associated with sharing life experiences. It involves the provision of empathy, love, trust and caring.

    > Informational support involves the provision of advice, suggestions, and information that a person can use to address problems.

    > Appraisal support involves the provision of information that is useful for self-evaluation purposes: constructive feedback, affirmation and social comparison.

    > To be added.

  3. From my references at Reseach Gate about analysis on communication theory and discipline, i got some information that:

    * Network analysis suggests that framing theory is the most influential of the identified theories (ranking first in frequency and degree, closeness) and serves to link other communication theories and theory groups.

    * While mass communication and technology theories exhibited the highest centrality, interpersonal, persuasion and organization communication theories were grouped together, integrating sub-theories of each group.

    * Framing theory was the most popular and influential communication theory bridging not only mass communication theories, but also interpersonal, technology, information system, health, gender, inter-cultural and organizational communication theories.

  4. Communication theories clusters

    1. interpersonal communication
    - interpersonal message
    -relationship development
    - relationship maintenance
    - influence

    2. group and public communication
    - group decision making
    - organizational communications
    - public rhetoric

    3. mass communication
    - media and culture
    - media effects

    4. cultural context
    - intercultural communication
    - gender and communication

    1. The self and messages
    2. relationship development
    3. groups and organizations
    4. the public
    5. the media
    6. culture and diversity


  5. Communication fields/clusters:
    1. broadcasting (penyiaran)
    2. Journalism (kewartawanan)
    3. Adversiting (Periklanan)
    4. Public relations (perhubungan raya/awam)

  6. Overview by level

    1. theories micro level
    - argumentation theory
    - cognitive dissonance theory
    - elaboration likelihood theory
    - model of text comprehension
    - semiotics
    - speech art
    - uncertaintly reduction theory

    2. theories meso level
    - adaptive structuration theory
    - attraction-selection-attrition-framework
    - contingency theories
    - media richness theory

    3. theories macro level
    - theories macro level
    - agenda setting theory
    - cultivation theory
    - diffusion of innovations theory
    - hypodermic needle theory
    - medium theory
    - priming
    - spiral of silence
    - two step flow theory


What Is Communication, Theory and Research?

By using an example of communication phenomenon, how do you decide which theory cluster to refer to and choose a theory to explain the phenomenon.

apa itu komunikasi? proses menghantar dan menerima sesuatu maklumat daripada orang lain. maksud fenomena? Fenomena merupakan suatu p...

What Is Communication?