
Ahad, 6 Januari 2019


To illustrate, a theory of of customer service can help you to understand not only the bad customer service you received from your credit card company this morning, it can also help you understand a good customer service encounter you might have had at a restaurant last week.

Common sense theory is created by an individual's own personal experiences, or such theories might reflect helpful hints that are passed on from family members, friends or colleagues. They are useful to us and are often the basis for our decisions about how to communicate.

Working theories are generalizations made in particular professions about the best techniques for doing something. It is more closely represent guidelines for behavior rather than systematic representations.

Scholarly Theories provide more thorough, accurate and abstract explanations for communication than do commonsense or working theories. It is typically more complex and difficult to understand than commonsense or working theory.

There are 4 types of primary research methods :

1) Experiment : is ultimately concerned with causation and control. Experiment is the only research method that allows researchers to conclude that one thing causes another. For example, if you are intrested indetermining whether friendly customer service causes greater customer satisfaction, whether advertisers' use of bright colors produces highers sales, the only way to determine is through experimental research.  

2) Survey : the use of surveys does not allow researchers to make claim that one thing causes another. the strength of survey researches the only way to find out how someone thinks, feels or intend to behave. There are 2 types of survey research : interview & questionnaires.

3) Textual Analysis : is used to uncover the content, nature or structure of messages. It can also used to evaluate messages, focusing on their strengths, weaknesses, effectiveness or even ethicality. 

4) Ethnography : involves the researcher immersing him or herself into a particular culture or context to understand rules and meanings for that culture or context. It is focuses on the communication rules and meanings in a particular culture or context. 

For further understanding about primary & secondary research you can watch this video below ðŸ‘‡

1 ulasan:

  1. - Theory communication is theories that explain or predict a phenomenon related to communicatation.

    - when we are in theorising, we must explain the way 'why's' and 'how's' of the what's, where's, who's and when.

    - next, know and think about the fields first. then, find out what are the theories in the fields.

    - the communication fields is:
    1) broadcast/video studies
    2) communication technology and new media
    3) critical and cultural studies
    4) gender, race, sexuality and ethnicity in communication
    5) health communication
    6) international and intercultural communication
    7) interpersonal/small group communication
    8) journalism studies
    9) mass communication
    10) organizational communication
    11) public relations/advertising
    12) social influence and political communication
    13) speech and rheotorical studies

    - theory is a formal statement of the rules on which a subject of study is based or ideas that are suggested to explain a fact or event or more generally, an opinion or explanation :
    1. economic theory
    2. scientific theory
    3. darwin's theory of evolution
    4. he has theory that the hole was caused by a meteorite

    - In theory, if something is possible in theory, it should be possible, but often it does not happen in that way:
    * in theory, the journey should take three hours, but in practice
    it usually takes four because of roadworks.

    - communication is communcare (Latin) means to make common.


What Is Communication, Theory and Research?

By using an example of communication phenomenon, how do you decide which theory cluster to refer to and choose a theory to explain the phenomenon.

apa itu komunikasi? proses menghantar dan menerima sesuatu maklumat daripada orang lain. maksud fenomena? Fenomena merupakan suatu p...

What Is Communication?