
Sabtu, 15 Disember 2018


1. Advertising, public relations, marketing in consumer behavior.
2. Busines communication.
3. Communication/ general
4. Communication barriers
5. Communication in practice
6. Communication models
7. Cultural communication
8. Development communication
9. Group communication
10. Intercultural communication
11. Interpersonal communication
12. Mass communication
13. Organisational communication
14. Political communication
15. Psychology, behavioral and social science
16. Technical communication
17. Visual communication

11 ulasan:

  1. Mass Communication
    Teori Agenda Setting (The Creation Of What The Public Think Is Important )
    • Agenda setting describes a very powerful influence of the media.
    • The ability to tell us what issues are important.
    • Agenda – setting is the creation of public awareness and concern of salient issues by the news media.
    • Two basis assumptions underline most research on agenda – setting is:
    • The press and the media do not reflect reality, the filter and shape it.
    • Media concentration on a few issues that leads the public to perceive those issues as more important than other issue.
    • Agenda setting theory seems quite appropriate to help us understand the pervasive role of the media.
    • Methods
    • Content – analysis of media
    • Interviews of audiences

  2. Communication and information technology
    (Theory uses and gratifications approach)

    - uses and gratifications theory attempts to explain the uses and functions of the media for individuals, groups and society in general

    - to identity how people use the media to gratify their needs

    - U&G approach shifts the emphasis of communication research from answering the question 'what do the media do to people?' to 'what active audience members do with media?' (Swanson 1979)

    - there are 3 objectives in developing uses and gratification theory:

    1. to explain how individuals use mass communication to gratify their needs 'what do people do with the media'

    2. to discover underlying motives for individuals media use

    3. to identify the positive and the negative consequences of individual media use. At the core of uses and gratifications theory lies the assumption that audience members actively seek out the mass media to satisfy individual needs.

    1. Uses and gratifications theory :
      - to be a subtradition of media effect research
      - explains of how people use media for their need and gratification
      - people do with media rather than what media does to people

    2. uses and gratification theory
      - the theory studied how the audience utilised the media
      - based on audience study a set of gratifications were determined.
      1. cognative needs (Acquiring information)
      2. affective needs (emotions, pleasure and asthetic experience)
      3. personal integrative needs (strengthening credibility, confidence, status)
      4. social integrative need (strengthening contacts with family)
      5. tension release needs (escape and diversion)

  3. Communication Barrier

    * Communication is a process beginning with a sender who encodes the message and passes it through some channel to the receiver who decodes the message.

    *Due to such disturbances, managers in an organization face severe problems. Thus the managers must locate such barriers and take steps to get rid of them.

    8 communication barrier
    1. Perceptual and Language Differences

    2.Information overload

    3. Inattention

    4. Time Pressure

    5. Distraction/ noise

    6. Emotion

    7. Poor retention

    8. Complexity in Organizational Structure

  4. Effect of Communication Barrier

    1. Noise acts as a devil in business communication.
    ==) Any information downloaded at a noisy place is bound to get
    distorted and result in a complete mess.

    2. Unorganized and Haphazard thoughts also lead to ineffective
    communication in organizations.
    ==) Business communications are bound to suffer due to ineffective

    3. During any business meeting, presentation or seminar, the speaker
    has to be very careful about his pitch and tone.
    ==) It has been observed that during seminars or presentations only
    the front benchers are attentive, the last benchers are almost
    lost in their own sweet world.

    4. Difference in thought process also results in a poor communication
    in business areas.
    ==) A boss and the employee can never think on the same level.

  5. Interpersonal Communication

    $ an iteraction process between two people, either face to face or through mediated forms.

    Function of interpersonal communication

    1. Gaining information
    2. Building a context of understanding
    3. Establishing identity

    1. Interpesonal Communication

      - communication with 2 or more

      - is personal process of cordinating meaning between at least two people (assessment, reasoning)

      - An interaction process between two people :
      1) effective listening
      2) appropriate self-disclosure
      3) audiende understanding
      4) perspektual clarity
      5) all senses
      6) effective verbal messages
      7) effective non verbal messages

      - issues - face saving

      - anima- male (feminine inner personality)

      - animus - female (masculine inner personality)

  6. There are 9 cluster of Advertising, public relations, marketing and consumer behavior that we can be use which is :

    1. ACT Theory of communication
    - ACT(Adaptive concept of thought-ratinonal) is a cognitive architecture. Cognition is the process of understanding or accquiring knowledge and information through thought, experiences and other senses. The theory works on psychological assumptions of human nature which derived from numerous scientific experiences and experiments.
    - The main components of ACT are :
    * models
    * buffers
    * pattern matcher

    2. Agenda setting theory
    - Maxxwell McCombs and Donald L.Shaw : Media influence affects the order of prensentation in news events, issues in the public mind. More impotance to a news-more importance attributed by audience. Media Priorities it says what people should think about how people should think about.
    - There are many levels of agenda setting theory which is first level( studied by researchers, media uses objects or issues to influence the people), second level( media focuses on the characters of issues how people should think about), priming, framing.
    - criticsms og agenta setting theory
    * media users not ideal, people may not pay attention to details
    * effect is weakened for people who have made up their mind
    * media can't create problems. can only alter the awareness.

    3. AIDA Model
    - The process of AIDA (attention, interest, desire and action).
    - Attention; image, colour, layout, typography, size, celebrity, model
    - interest; create interest in the viewers mind, read more about the brand being advertised.
    - desire; created by the use of body copy where you write in detail about the necessity of buying the brand, thereby
    - action; the contact information of the brand will be given where they expect the viewers to take action immediately.

    4. Attribution theory
    - assigning some quality or character of a person or thing
    - attribution theory explains how and why ordinary people explain the things as they do.
    - the study which comes under the social psychology
    - fritz heider classfied the attribution theory into two types as internal attribution and external or explanatory attribution.

    5. Cognitive dissonance theory
    - increase or decrease according to the following factors:
    * the relevance of subject to us
    * how solid the choices or thoughts are
    * the capability of our mind to choose, rationalize or explain
    the thoughts
    - the mind will attain its harmony by the following steps :
    i) altering cognitions: changing the attitude or behaviour
    ii) changing cognitions: rationalize our behaviour by changing the differing cognitions.
    iii) adding cognitions: rationalize our behaviour by adding new cognition.

    6. Contextual design
    - is about how data can be used in organizations to design products that meet the needs of the costumer.
    - stage of contextual design:
    a) contextual enquiry
    b) work model
    c) consolidation
    d) work redesign
    e) user environment design
    f) mock-up and test with customers
    g) putting into practice

    7. Domestication
    - is a concept that is used in many fields like sociology of technology, media and communications studies.

    8. Lasswell's model (13 feb 1902-18 dec 1978)
    - the American political scientist states that a convenient way to describe an act of communication is to answer the following questions- who(control analysis), says what(content analysis), in which channel(nedia analysis), to whom(audience analysis), with what affect(effect analysis)
    - 3 functions for communication:
    i) surveillance of the environment
    ii) correlation of components of society
    iii) cultural transmission between generation

    9. Social marketing theory
    - is a collection og theories that focus on how socially valuable information can be promoted.
    - features of social marketing theory:
    a) creatung audience awareness
    b) targeting the right audience
    c) reinforce the message
    d) cultivate images or impressions
    e) stimulate interest
    f) induce desired result

  7. Theories of mass media and media effect

    1. media ecology theory
    * interpretations: media as environment
    - media ecology can be simpified to a basic statement technology-in our case, communication technologies from writing to digital media - create environment that affects the people
    - the word ecology implies the study of environments : their structure, content and impact on people who use them.
    * media as species

    2. uses and gratifications theory
    - to be a subtradition of media effect research
    - explains of how people use media for theie need and gratification
    - people do with media rather than what media does to people.

    3. cultivation theory

    4. agenda setting theory

    5 categories
    1. cognitive needs(knowledge, intellectual)
    2. affective needs(emotional)
    3. personal integrative needs(self- reasurement)
    4. social integrative needs( to socialle with others)
    5. tension free needs( escapism, catharsis)

  8. Intercultural communication

    - verbal and non verbal interaction between people from different cultural backgrounds
    - soap opera/melodrama

    Cultivation theory
    - media could play an important role in changing mindsets and asking important questions.
    - most success language = english/mandarin (chinese)

    - intercultural communication is a discipline that studies communication across different culture and social groups how culture affect communication.

    Intercultural communication fields
    1. perception, intrepretation, attribution
    2. verbal
    3. non verbal
    4. communication style
    5. values (psychology,antropology,sociology)

    cultural assimilation
    - western hegemony
    - cultural imperialism
    - popular culture

    - its help improve communication skills.


What Is Communication, Theory and Research?

By using an example of communication phenomenon, how do you decide which theory cluster to refer to and choose a theory to explain the phenomenon.

apa itu komunikasi? proses menghantar dan menerima sesuatu maklumat daripada orang lain. maksud fenomena? Fenomena merupakan suatu p...

What Is Communication?