
Rabu, 21 November 2018

Perbezaan teori, model dan konsep

Difference between theory, model and concept

 • Theory - used to explain thing and is less practical.
                - th is an abstract notion (tanggapan)
                   - concept is a general idea or understanding of something
                   - mental image or geneory explains phenomenon and it’s intangible (tidak ketara)

 •  Model - used to simplify things and more practical.
                - model simplifies a concept and most of the times it is tangible

 •  Concept - a concepteral nation of something.

4 ulasan:

  1. Theory :
    - they are systematic and are used to explain, predict, focus, describe and prescribe phenomena
    - look a lot like models, so sometimes people confuse these two terms
    - considered proven and supported by multiple research studies
    - approaches to making sense of a phenomenon
    - a theory ia a grouping of related facts, concepts and hyphothesis that is both descriptive and interpretive.
    - quantitative evidence
    - a proposed relationship between concepts
    - considered more 'proven' than models
    - teori merupakan set pernyataan yang saling berhubungan antara satu sama lain untuk membentuk satu pernyataan baru.
    - teori adalah sebuah proses mengembangkan idea-idea yang membantu kita menjelaskan bagaimana dan mengapa sesuatu peristiwa atau fenomena itu terjadi. Sebagai contoh, bermain permainan 'Mobile Legend' di telefon pintar. Teori nya mungkin 'Coping With Stresful Events' yang berada di bawah 'cluster theory' Health Communication. Di mana pengguna telefon pintar menghilangkan stres mereka atau meluangkan masa mereka dengan bermainan permainan online di dalam telefon pintar masing-masing.

    Model :
    - a model is a representation of reality. Some examples : causal model-abstraction of a cause-and-effect relationship, program model-a service or intervention approach, business model-a framework expressing the administrative logic of the agency
    - model adalah contoh dari sesuatu yang akan dibuat atau dihasilkan bertujuan untuk ditunjukkan dan diperagakan.
    - model akan direka sebagai satu penggambaran operasi dari suatu sistem nyata dengan ideal untuk tujuan atau menjelaskan hubungan penting yang berkaitan
    - model adalah representasi simbolik objek, proses sistem atau idea. Model boleh mengambil bentuk seperti gambar grafik, lisan, dron, lukisan 2D, Lukisan 3D atau matematik
    - model itu adalah perwakilan suatu fenomena, baik nyata mahupun abstrak dengan menonjolkan unsur-unsur terpenting fenomena tersebut, sebagai gambaran sistematik
    - model boleh dikatakan sebagai gambar tidak rasmi untuk menerangkan atau menggunakan teori, dengan kata lain, model adalah teori yang lebih mudah (Aubrey Fisher)
    - (Werner J. Severin dan James W. Tankard, Jr.) model itu membantu membentuk teori dan mencadangkan hubungan. Hubungan antara model dan teori sangat dekat, ramai manusia sering keliru antara model dengan teori.
    - model boleh menjadi asas bagi teori yang lebih kompleks, alat untuk menerangkan teori dan mencadangkan cara untuk memperbaiki konsep.
    - melalui model, seseorang dengan mudah dapat memahami proses dan membuat kesimpulan daripadanya.
    - antara contoh model komunikasi ialah model komunikasi Aristotle, model komunikasi Berlo, model komunikasi Shannon dan Weaver, model komunikasi Schramm
    - apa yang perlu ada dalam model komunikasi ialah encodes, decodes, message, interpretur (mentafsir). Selain itu saluran, penerima, struktur

    Concept :
    - is a mental image or general nation of something, can be words or mental images
    - it summarizes observations and ideas about all the characteristics of that image
    - some concepts, like age and gender are easily understood
    - others, like group or organizational behavior , can be observed, whereas some like attitudes and motivations are, at best, inferred
    - concepts used to explain a particular pattern or behavior
    - abstract descriptions of phenomena
    - important for communication
    - konsep adalah pandangan umum, tetapi tidak terperinci tentang sesuatu proses atau bagaimana satu proses boleh dijalankan
    - secara amnya (terdapat pengecualian) idea tentang sesuatu yang tidak wujud atau idea tentang sesuatu yang mungkin wujud jika kita membinanya
    - konsep serupa dengan idea . memperumahkan objek, sebagai contoh, dalam fikiran anda tanpa ia dimuktamadkan atau selesai.

  2. Theory- A theory is a grouping of related facts, concepts, and hypothesis that is both descriptive and interpretive. Examples, systems theory. When causal theories are framed as guides to action in professional situations, they are referred to as (professional) practice principles, or practice theories.
    Theory about the adoption of new idea or practice:
    -Diffusion theory
    - process by which new ideas are adopted or rejected
    - we are creatures of habit
    - human beings do not like change

    -There are five categories of people in duffsion theory:
    1. innovators
    2. early adopters
    3. early majority
    4. majority
    5. nonadopters (laggards)

    Model- A model is representation of reality. Some examples:
    * Causal model- abstraction of a cause and effect relationship
    * Program model- a service of intervention approach
    * Role model- a person who serves as a behavioural or moral example
    * Statistical model- a set of mathematical equations that describe behaviour in terms of probabilitu distributions.
    * Working model- a preliminary formulation of a theory or program that is used as an initial guide for thought or action
    * Business model- a framework expressing the administrative logic of the agency

    Concept- A concept is a mental image or general notion of something. It summarizes observations and ideas about all the characteristics of that image. Some concepts, like age and gender, are easily understood. Others, like group or organizational behaviour, can be observed, whereas some like attitudes and motivations are, at best, inferred.

    1. concept - mental image or general nation of something
      model - a representation of reality

      Diffusion theory
      - process by which new ideas are adopted or rejected
      - we are creatures of habit
      - human beings do not like change

    1. abstract descriptions of phenomena
    2. can be words or mental image
    3. important for communication

    1. show relationships between concepts
    2. generally qualitative
    3. not 'proven'

    1. quantitative evidence
    2. a proposed relationship between concepts
    3. considered more 'proven' than models


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