
Rabu, 28 November 2018

What is Theory?

- Theories are formulated to explain, predict and understand phenomena and in many cases.
- Theory explain how some aspect of human behaviour of performance is organized.
- Compenents of theory are concepts (ideally well defined) and principles.
- Theories specifically/applicable in the field of communication.
- A concept is a symbholic representation of an actual thing - tree, chair, table, computer, distance
- A theory is a related set of concepts and principles
          1) about a phenomenon
          2) the purpose of which is to explain or predict the phenomenon

Theory is important because:
- theory provides concepts to name what we observe and to explain relationships between concepts.
- theory is to justify reimbursement to get funding and support - need to explain what is being done and demonstrate that it works - theory and research
- theory is to enhance the growth of the professional area to indentify the body of knowledge with theories from both within and with out the area of distance learning.

Three stages of theory development :
1) spectulative - attemps to explain what is happening.
2) descriptive - gathers descriptive data to describe what is really happening.
3) constructive - revises old theories and develops new ones based on continuing research.

Theory development process :
1) Theory-practice-theory
2) Practice-research-theory
3) Theory-theory-research/practice

3 ulasan:

  1. Communication theory & philosophy:

    - in common terms, a theory is a speculation, a conjecture, or an informed guess about how things work, or why certain events happen, or why certain events follow other event.

    - theory are tested with research and extended or refined systematically.

    - theory are more than just a belief or opinion about a single cause, but usually involve several aspects of explanation

    - theories are speculations that you have formulated in order to organize and make sense of the event in your world

    - researcher build theoretical constructions based on differing foundations

  2. what are theories?

    - quantitative evidence
    - a proposed relationship between concepts
    - considered more 'proven' than models

  3. teori adalah, pendapat yang dikemukan sebagai keterangan mengenai sesuatu peristiwa atau kejadian.


What Is Communication, Theory and Research?

By using an example of communication phenomenon, how do you decide which theory cluster to refer to and choose a theory to explain the phenomenon.

apa itu komunikasi? proses menghantar dan menerima sesuatu maklumat daripada orang lain. maksud fenomena? Fenomena merupakan suatu p...

What Is Communication?